Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Stencil Club June Bonus

Just as I promised a bonus video for Stencil Girl's  Stencil Club June 2018. This was such a honor!

I had a pretty napkin that serves as the beginning for this journal spread.

Thanks again for letting me share with you.

In His Hands,

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Stencil Club Voices June "Spriummer"

Hi Friends and Stencil lovers. I am here again for Stencil Girl and Stencil Club.

I will be showing you how I used watercolor and the June club stencils to create a piece I call Spriummer. Here in Kentucky we don't have spring any more. It just jumps from winter right into Summer.

And I just loved the stencils so much I created a bonus video for you, look for it in my next post tomorrow.

Thanks again Stencil Girl for this wonderful opportunity.

In His Hands,