Everyone who crafts has some sort of organization. And whether or not they are good organization options depends on you. Organization is as much a statement of your personal preferences as your choice of car or bedroom décor. That being said organization falls into two schools of thought…is it functional or is it pretty. Now the better thing would be functionally pretty. I fall into the functional style with as many touches of pretty as I can incorporate.
When I got my new space in 2011, I thought I’d have this Kitchen of a craft room. One with all the cabinets and storage of a kitchen. But my husband’s practical side intervened and my dream of a kitchen craft room died. So what I have is my hodge podge of mismatched metal office desk and filing cabinets with their plastic cousins and particle board counter tops.
Now less you think I’m unhappy in my space, let me say this; I often refer to my space as a sanctuary, a haven of rest. Sounds like heaven and for me it is heaven on earth. It is here that I am creative and without creativity I would be less.
I have some storage tips that I love to share and I hope that the ones I share with you today will be helpful to some.
I store dies (shown below) and punches on Bygel Rails from IKEA.

I bought some of the rails and the “S” hooks and hung my wafer thin dies in the original packaging. For those I did not have the packaging for, I bought some plastic zip lock style bags from eBay; punched a hole in the top so I could hang them. I went through several storing options before settling on this one. I sort them by company. My dream is to one day sort them by company and by type; like all borders together and all labels.
I store my full size ink pads mostly in old cassette tape holders.(the one linked is not shown below but I have several of those)

For my mini pads; I store them in these Stuftainers by Stampendous:

My sprays, both homemade and commercial are stored on a frames from Ikea.

For my vast stamp collection; I keep all unmounted stamps in binders.

Inside the binders the stamps are stored on Wilson Jones index dividers when I can find them. If I cant I have made my own by laminating cardstock (I use the brand that I bought at Sam’s; that I was hoping was 110# like Paper Trey Ink’, sadly it was not).

For my clear stamps I keep them in their packaging and using my ATG gun, I tape the package to the dividers; being careful to make sure I can easily get into the packaging to remove the stamps.
To see my room you can watch the video tour on YT. I covered the bank of white cabinets with curtains as I have since removed the doors as they were in the way.
In His Hands,